Monday, March 19, 2007

Safer Mosquitoes?

Via Yahoo News:

For anyone who fears genetic engineering I have a question. Do you fear malaria more? What is genetic engineering could help prevent malaria? Would that change your mind? This might be a very real question soon.

“Researchers have developed a malaria-resistant mosquito, a step that might one
day help block the spread of an illness that has claimed millions of lives
around the world.”

It is important to remember this was not the human type of malaria.
“Working with the mouse form of malaria — not the human type — Rasgon's team was able to genetically engineer mosquitoes that were resistant to malaria."
And they do need more time.

"We're not anywhere near a field release," he said. Now they need to turn their
attention to working with human malaria and trying to engineer a mosquito
resistant to that.

But if GM luddites have their way, they won't get that time.

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